Domain Name FAQ's

Yes. You will just need to contact your current host, or the registrar of your domain and ask them to change the name servers (DNS) of the domain to Notable Web, Inc. name servers which are:

Primary Name Server
Primary Server Hostname.........: NS1.NOTABLEWEB.NET

Secondary Name Server
Secondary Server Hostname.......: NS2.NOTABLEWEB.NET

You should continue to keep your hosting service at your present site while waiting for the domain to be transferred, as it takes 24-48 hours for a DNS transfer request to be processed. Sometimes it may be necessary to contact your old host and/or registrar by phone to complete the transfer.

For all our hosting plans, except File Hosting, you will either need to register a new domain name or transfer your existing domain name to Notable Web's nameservers. For our File Hosting Plan, you will have the option of using a vanity domain name.

Vanity Domain: Ex.

If you do not know where your domain is registered, you should do a whois check to find out who the registrar of your domain is. Browse to Verisign Registry Whois site and enter your domain in the box on the right side of the page. This will give you the registrar, and nameservers. Enter the registrar's address into the browser to visit that registrar to make the changes to the nameservers to transfer your domain to Notable Web.

If you already own a domain name but it is not residing on Notable Web's DNS Servers (Domain Name Servers), you will have to contact your registrar to transfer your domain name to Notable Web. You will need the following DNS information:

Primary Name Server
Primary Server Hostname.........: NS1.NOTABLEWEB.NET

Secondary Name Server
Secondary Server Hostname.......: NS2.NOTABLEWEB.NET

You should continue to keep your hosting service at your present site while waiting for the domain to be transferred, as it takes 24-48 hours for a DNS transfer request to be processed. Sometimes it may be necessary to contact your old host and/or registrar by phone to complete the transfer.

Darrin Keaton, CEO
Feel free to contact us, we are ready to help you!

A domain name can be up to 67 characters long including the 4 characters used to identify the Top Level Domain (.NET, .COM, .ORG, or .EDU). The domain must consist only of letters, numbers and dashes(-), although it cannot start or end with a dash(-). The www is not part of the actual domain name and is just a standard web prefix. Domains must also be at least 3 characters long, not including the domain extension.


Domain Name Availability

Please enter a domain name that you would like to register today.